7 Mistakes That May Be the Death of Your Personal Injury Claim

Our lawyers at The Pendas Law Firm are dedicated to protecting our clients’ rights to fair compensation. Our goal is to help victims of accidents obtain the maximum amount of compensation possible for their damages and losses. In order to accomplish this, we educate our clients about the personal injury claim process, and help them handle the complexities to ensure that no mistakes are made. Personal injury claims are not always easy to win, but with the right Orlando injury lawyer on your side, you may be able to navigate the process with ease and ensure a positive outcome.
7 Mistakes to Avoid During the Personal Injury Claim Process
Whether you were injured in a car accident, boating accident, work-related accident or slip-and-fall accident on a public sidewalk, you may be entitled to compensation. However, in order to obtain a settlement, you must tread carefully, and do everything by the book from the time of your accident until your case is settled. With that in mind, here are seven mistakes you can make that will ruin your chances of obtaining a fair settlement, or any settlement at all:
- Not Notifying the Police or Proper Medical Personnel: If you are injured in an accident, always notify the police or other objective third party who can record the details of the accident and collect statements on your behalf. These reports and statements will later be used to corroborate your claim. Without them, the whole process can turn into a game of “he said, she said.”
- Giving a Statement: Giving a statement – whether to the police or another third party – without first consulting with a personal injury lawyer – can be devastating to your case. To prevent a prematurely-made statement from biting you in the butt, do not give out any statements until after you have spoken with your lawyer. More often than not, your lawyer will do all of the talking for you during the claims process.
- Not Seeking Medical Treatment: If you claim to be injured, but then do not seek medical attention, the insurance company will assume that you exaggerated your injuries or, worse yet, that you did not sustain any injuries at all. To collaborate your claim of injury, obtain a diagnosis from a doctor right away.
- Not Continuing Medical Treatment: Stopping medical treatment prematurely can be just as detrimental to your case as not seeking medical treatment at all. If you stop medical treatment, the insurance company will take it as a sign that your injuries are not serious and therefore, do not require much, if any, compensation.
- Waiting Too Long to File a Claim: Each state has a statute of limitations on personal injury claims, which essentially bars individuals from pursuing legal remedies after a certain amount of time passes. In Florida, the statute of limitations on personal injury claims is four years. If you do not file within four years, you give up your rights to compensation entirely.
- Settling a Claim Too Soon: Too often insurance companies will offer a small settlement early on in the hopes of stopping any further legal action. Unfortunately, many victims take the settlement, assuming it is the best they can do. If an insurance company tries to settle with you prematurely, do not take the bait. Oftentimes this is an indicator that you are entitled to a sizeable settlement that they do not want to pay out. An Orlando personal injury lawyer can help you take the time to understand the value of your claim and ensure that you do not settle for compensation that does not meet your needs.
- Attempting the Process On Your Own: The personal injury claim process is complex, and often requires the skill and knowledge of an lawyer well-versed in personal injury law. To ensure that you receive the support, advice, and ultimately, the compensation, that you deserve, consult with an Orlando personal injury lawyer.
Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer
At The Pendas Law Firm, we will help you avoid or minimize any mistakes that may reduce your chances of being fairly compensated. If you are serious about winning a fair settlement, call our Orlando personal injury lawyers at 1-844-200-0000 to schedule a private consultation regarding the value of your case. Our lawyers also serve clients in the Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Fort Myers, West Palm Beach, Daytona, Bradenton, and Tampa areas.