Avoid ‘Fall’-ing For an Autumn Driving Hazard

This time of year, cooler temperatures and changing leaves constantly remind us all that we are in the midst of fall. But in addition to changing weather and scenery, fall also brings different factors that affect driving conditions. While enjoying the season, every driver must undertake steps to remain safe because, unfortunately, accidents often occur when they don’t – and roughly 395,000 accidents occur every year here in Florida. The first step to being able to avoid fall driving hazards is understanding what they are.
Fall hazards that you should be aware of include:
- The wet leaves. Unfortunately, the same leaves that are nice to look at can become a hazard when they fall on the road and that means you shouldn’t think that you can simply drive normally. Try to drive slowly and keep your steering wheel steady. Fallen leaves that are damp or wet get slippery, which may lead to loss of control of your vehicle if you have to slam on the brakes – and don’t forget that, ironically, it rains frequently here in the Sunshine State.
- The sun glare. The changing temperature can falsely lead drivers to believe that they can leave their shades at home. But in reality, the fact that the temperature isn’t as hot doesn’t mean that the sun isn’t still going to beam down while you’re on the road. Always ensure that you wear polarized sunglasses that can reduce the glare and keep your windshield clean of the dirt and debris that can make it harder to see.
- The wildlife. During the fall, a lot of wildlife becomes more active due to mating season. In particular, deer are much more active this time of year and they are seen often along the roadways during the autumn months. And unfortunately, whether you accidentally lose control of your vehicle or another vehicle hits you, a collision with wildlife can cause you to suffer from injuries and cause damage to your vehicle.
- The nightlife. While summer tends to hold its own in terms of social events, there is arguably no time of year like the holiday season which begins with fall. This can lead to a busy calendar that includes plenty of nightlife – and alcohol use. But before drinking and driving, contemplate the fact that 29 people die every day in the United States in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver.
Have You or a Loved One Been Injured in an Accident This Fall?
While understanding fall driving hazards can help drivers make an effort to avoid them, the unfortunate reality is that accidents and injuries can happen even to the most cautious drivers and pedestrians. If you are involved in an accident because another driver was negligent while behind the wheel this fall, you may be legally entitled to seek compensation that can help you minimize the damages that you have to deal with due to the wreck. Additionally, you may have legal options even if yours was the only car involved in your accident. Either way, you will likely need the help of an experienced personal injury attorney. As the experienced Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys of The Pendas Law Firm, we offer the legal help you need to help you understand and maximize your options under the law. Reach out today.
The Pendas Law Firm also represents clients in the Miami, Ocala, Tampa, Bradenton, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Orlando and Daytona Beach areas.