Do’s and Don’ts of Florida Hit and Run Accidents

When a driver hits another vehicle, property, pedestrian, cyclist, or motorcyclist and fails to stop, it is called a hit and run. In Florida, it is illegal for a driver to hit someone or something and run away. According to Florida law, a driver should stop if they are involved in an accident that results in injury, death, or property damage. Despite laws making it illegal to flee an accident scene, drivers sometimes run away from the accident scene. A driver might flee from an accident scene for various reasons, including legal issues, unawareness, lack of insurance, and panic reactions.
If you are involved in a car accident, and the other driver flees the scene, you must be careful about what you do next. The steps you take after a hit-and-run accident can significantly impact the outcome of the situation. You need to keep yourself and others safe and protect your legal rights. The following are some of the do’s and don’ts of a Florida hit-and-run accident:
Do Call the Police
Call the police as soon as a hit-and-run accident occurs and report the incident. Once the police arrive at the accident scene, provide them with all the details you remember about the other car and driver. The police can help locate the other driver, and even if the police cannot find the other driver, the police report can help you if you file an uninsured motorist claim with your insurance company.
Don’t Chase the Other Driver
It might be tempting to chase a driver who flees the scene of an accident but do not do that. Chasing the other driver can lead to another accident. Chasing the other driver could also lead to a confrontation, escalating the situation and putting you and others in danger.
Do Gather Evidence and Witness Details
If you can, take pictures of any injuries, the accident scene, and the damage to your vehicle. Then, ask people in the vicinity if they saw what happened. Gather the names and contact information of all witnesses. Witnesses can help you find the other driver. They can also provide crucial information regarding the cause of the accident.
Don’t Leave the Accident Scene
Unless you are leaving the scene to seek medical attention via an ambulance, it is best that you don’t leave the accident scene before the police arrive. If you leave, you may be charged with leaving the scene of an accident.
Do Seek Prompt Medical Attention
After a hit-and-run accident, ensure you seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you don’t receive medical attention at the accident scene or are not taken to the hospital by an ambulance, ensure you see a doctor as soon as you leave the scene. Even if you feel uninjured, ensure you seek medical attention. Some injuries do not show immediate symptoms, and others are not easily visible.
Contact Us for Legal Help
Another don’t of a Florida hit-and-run accident is “don’t fail to hire an attorney.” An attorney can investigate the accident and help locate the other driver. They can help you understand your legal options in the event the other driver is not found. After a hit-and-run accident, don’t hesitate to contact our Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys at The Pendas Law Firm.
The Pendas Law Firm also represents clients in the Orlando, Ocala, West Palm Beach, Daytona Beach, Fort Myers, Miami, Tampa, Bradenton, Jacksonville, Naples, and Melbourne areas.