How To Recognize a Drunk Driver

One of the most dangerous behaviors drivers engage in is drunk driving. According to the NHTSA, almost 40 people lose their lives in drunk-driving crashes every day in the United States. Alcohol impairs thinking, reduces brain function, and impairs muscle coordination and reasoning, all of which are abilities that are crucial to operating a vehicle safely. To stay safe, you should never get behind the wheel while drunk. It is also vital that you know how to recognize a drunk driver. While you cannot control how other drivers behave, you can keep safe if you are able to tell when a driver might be drunk. Below are some of the signs to look out for that might indicate a driver is intoxicated.
One of the telltale signs that a driver might be drunk is swerving. This is the behavior that even the police look for when on patrol. It is hard for a drunk driver to concentrate and drive in a straight line. Drunk drivers have a hard time controlling their vehicles.
Excessive Braking and Slow Acceleration
Excessive braking and slow acceleration may be an indication of impaired motor skills. It may indicate that a driver’s concentration and decision-making skills are impaired. On the other hand, it might indicate that a driver is trying to overcompensate by braking early and taking time to reach the speed limit. Slow acceleration and excessive braking make a driver a hazard to other drivers who don’t expect such driving behavior.
Hugging the Centerline
Drunk drivers hug the centerline due to impairment. Also, hugging the centerline might be a way for a drunk driver to overcompensate. Some drunk drivers hug the centerline to play it safe and avoid swerving.
Persistent Tailgating
Another behavior that drunk drivers engage in due to impairment or as a way to hide the fact that they are drunk is tailgating. If there is an empty passing lane, but you notice that another vehicle is persistently tailgating you, it might be a sign that the driver of that vehicle is drunk.
Inappropriate Signaling
Florida law requires drivers to always use their turn signals when they intend to make a turn. Even drunk drivers know this. But drunk drivers easily become confused. This can result in them using their signals too much, turning on the wrong signals, or forgetting to turn off their signals.
What To Do if You Spot a Drunk Driver
The following are the steps to take if you spot a drunk driver on the road;
- Keep your distance. Do not follow the drunk driver closely or try to pass them. It is safer to maintain a safe distance between you and the drunk driver until you can safely pull over to safety.
- Take note of the vehicle’s make, license plate number, model, color, and other details
- Call law enforcement and tell them about the drunk driver, ensuring you share the information you gathered.
- Choose an alternative route. If you are concerned that you will catch up to the drunk driver again, determine if there is an alternative route you can use and take it.
Legal Help Is Available
If you are hit by a drunk driver despite your best efforts to keep safe, consider hiring an attorney who specializes in car accident and personal injury cases. Our Tampa personal injury attorneys at The Pendas Law Firm are here for you.
The Pendas Law Firm also represents clients in the Jacksonville, Fort Myers, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Tampa, Bradenton, Daytona Beach, Naples, Melbourne, Ocala, and Orlando areas.