Ocala Medical Malpractice Lawyer
The Hippocratic Oath requires that first and foremost, physicians “do no harm.” While medical technology and professionalism in the healthcare industry has come a long way, countless patients are still injured or killed at the hands of their doctors. These medical errors are almost always unintentional, but a well meaning doctor should not be let off the hook for causing serious harm to his or her patient. Physicians carry large insurance policies just for this reason—so that their injured patients do not sue them or a hospital directly. In fact, medical malpractice insurance costs OB/GYN providers anywhere from $85,000 to $200,000 per year, according to Capson. If you have suffered an injury or a prolonged illness because of the negligent medical care you received, an Ocala medical malpractice lawyer with The Pendas Law Firm can help you reach a desirable settlement or lawsuit award.
How Common is Medical Malpractice?
Medical malpractice claims are more common than you may think. The average doctor has at least one medical malpractice claim per 30 years, though that number goes up drastically depending on the type of medicine a physician practices.
- 2 percent of orthopedic surgeons face a medical malpractice claim every year;
- 9 percent of cardiovascular neurosurgeons face a medical malpractice claim every year; and
- 19 percent of neurosurgeons face a medical malpractice claim every year.
According to recent research, medical errors may kill as many as 251,000 Americans annually, and only 10 percent of medical mistakes are reported. Some of these errors may not be cause for medical malpractice, however. In order for a medical malpractice lawsuit to be successful, it must be shown that the doctor in question violated the standard of care.
If the Medical Standard of Care Was Violated, Your Doctor Must be Held Accountable
Doctors are required to treat patients using what is called a “medical standard of care.” The medical standard of care acts as a measure to create uniformity in treatment methods from city to city and state to state, eradicating questionable or untested medical practices. For example, a doctor in Ocala would provide the same treatment for a broken pelvis of a 75-year-old as a doctor in Miami would for a similar patient of age and injury. If a cancer doctor treated a patient with stage three breast cancer to the medical standard of care, and the patient ended up dying, the doctor would not be at-fault for his or her patient’s death, even though the outcome was tragic.
Working With Florida’s $500,000 Medical Malpractice Cap
Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, loss of consortium, loss of joy of life, scarring and disfigurement, and other serious damages that do not have a direct economic impact, are unfortunately capped at $500,000 in Florida. Only if a physician caused a catastrophic injury is this cap lifted to $1 million, and to $1.5 million if the victim ends up dying or being in a vegetative state. With these strict constraints, it matters more than ever for victims of medical malpractice to secure the highest possible degree of compensation for their injuries.
The Ocala Medical Malpractice Lawyers of The Pendas Law Firm Are Here to Offer Legal Assistance
Medical mistakes cause prolonged illnesses, permanent disability, and death in far too many cases. If you are the victim of such an error, your doctor should be held financially responsible for your damages. Call The Pendas Law Firm today at 1-844-200-0000 to schedule a free consultation with one of our Ocala medical malpractice lawyers.