Tag Archives: Florida Personal Injury Attorneys

Liability Waivers: Are They Enforceable When You Are Injured?
With the beautiful weather we have most of the year, it is no surprise that both locals and tourists take advantage of this by participating in adventure sports such as parasailing, skydiving, and hang-gliding. In the excitement of the moment where adrenaline is flowing, many people probably never think twice before signing whatever paperwork… Read More »

When Dining Out Goes Wrong: What You Can Do When You Are Injured From Foreign Objects in Your Food
Eating is arguably a part of American culture and visiting restaurants is a large part of that. We go out to eat to celebrate birthdays, promotions, holidays, graduations, and just the fact that it is another day and we are craving a favorite restaurant dish. There is also an unspoken trust that is in… Read More »

Staying Safe on the Road During the Holiday Season
The beginning of the holiday season is here and this year, AAA predicts that nearly 54 million people – which is 2.5 million more than last year – will hit the roads and sky in traveling at least fifty miles from home. The overwhelming majority of these travelers, or 48.5 million of them, will… Read More »

The Need to Understand Ocean Currents
Fall has arrived and in most states throughout the country, residents are beginning to feel a chill in the air. However, Florida is one of the few places where you can enjoy a beautiful beach throughout the year and Floridians take full advantage of this aspect of living in southeast America. And yet –… Read More »

Personal Injuries Caused by Hazing
A 20-year-old Florida State University student ended up in the hospital because of a fraternity hazing ritual called “Scumbag of the Week.” The tradition began years ago at Alpha Epsilon Pi’s Phi Tau Florida State chapter. A personal injury lawsuit filed against the fraternity alleges that the frat brother who received the most votes… Read More »

Understanding the Sudden Emergency Doctrine
Not every accident or personal injury is caused by negligence. But it might be negligence if the person who caused the accident acted carelessly. For example, the victim can probably prove negligence when a driver rolls through a stop sign and rear-ends another vehicle. However, there are certain defenses that negligent actors can use… Read More »

The Florida Telemarketing Act
When you think of a personal injury lawsuit, you probably imagine a physical injury, like head trauma suffered in a car accident or a broken arm caused by slipping and falling in a grocery store. But Florida law recognizes that there are other types of injuries. For example, under the Florida Telemarketing Act, consumers… Read More »

Jury Trials in Civil Cases
In August 2017, two men rented a boat in Dunedin from Pirate’s Cove Boat Club. About two hours into their fishing trip, the boat began taking on water in allegedly shark-infested waters. They say the boat wasn’t equipped with a radio or working flares. They called 911, and a Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office marine… Read More »

Understanding Service of Process
There’s a lot to think about when you’re injured in an accident. First, you need medical attention. If possible, you should also gather information about the accident, including the parties involved and the details of what happened. Even these initial steps can be overwhelming, which is why you should contact an experienced personal injury… Read More »

The Dangers of Trampoline Parks
NBC6 recently published an investigation that highlights the risks of visiting a trampoline park. (A trampoline park is just what you think. It’s an indoor fitness facility with wall-to-wall trampolines, where kids and adults go to bounce around and have fun.) Investigators examined 911 calls made from South Florida trampoline parks in the last… Read More »