Things To Look For In An Accident Reconstruction Team
Many car accident cases are straightforward. However, some car accidents involve complex issues. Some car accident cases involve contested liability. In cases involving complex issues or contested liability, it may be necessary to enlist the help of an accident reconstructionist team. An accident reconstruction team can help determine the specific error committed by the at-fault driver that caused the accident. They can help determine how a defective motor vehicle part contributed to the accident. Additionally, an accident reconstruction team can help evaluate hazardous road conditions and their role in the collision.
If you were involved in a car accident and are in need of an accident reconstruction team to help with your case, you may be wondering what to look for. The following are some of the things to look for in an accident reconstruction team.
Experience in Courtrooms, Laboratories, and Accident Scenes
It is crucial that you work with a team with experience in courtrooms, labs, and accident scenes. An experienced car accident attorney can help you find a team of people with all these skills.
You may find a forensic engineer with a deep understanding of math and physics, but if this expert cannot confidently answer questions in court, that may adversely affect the outcome of your case. A skilled attorney can ensure you don’t overlook such gaps.
A Good Reputation
Before settling on an accident reconstruction team, check whether the team has a reputation for accuracy and providing compelling testimony. The outcome of your car accident case depends on the accuracy of the accident reconstructionist team’s report and the testimony the team provides. The accident reconstruction team should be able to provide evidence of cases where their conclusions and testimony helped victims recover the owed compensation.
An accident reconstruction expert is required to assess an accident contributing factors objectively. However, some accident reconstruction experts work for only one side in the case. If an accident reconstructionist has only worked with defendants, it could be a sign that they are biased toward defendants. Unbiased accident reconstruction experts are not afraid to take cases on either side.
Enough Resources
You want to ensure there is a fully equipped lab. This is a lab with all the devices and instruments necessary to assess the factors that contributed to your accident. For example, are the reconstructionists equipped to retrieve and interpret data from a car’s black box? A black box is a device that depicts data such as how fast a vehicle was going, brake application, steering angles, and other factors as they were a few seconds before, during, and after the accident. You also want to ensure there is a fully equipped garage. A fully equipped garage is necessary for evaluating possible mechanical defects or failures that may have contributed to a crash.
Finally, it is vital that you work with accident reconstructionists with the necessary certification. For example, reconstructionists can be certified by the Accreditation Council for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR).
Contact Us for Legal Help
Our Miami personal injury attorneys at The Pendas Law Firm can help you with your car accident case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
The Pendas Law Firm also represents clients in the Orlando, West Palm Beach, Bradenton, Daytona Beach, Ocala, Fort Myers, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Jacksonville, Melbourne, and Naples areas.