Tips To Help You Avoid Road Rage
Road rage is an epidemic that can affect any driver on the road, whether you are a victim or the aggressor. Road rage can lead to accidents that result in injuries and even death. In fact, road rage is one of the top causes of road accidents.
Fortunately, road rage can be avoided. In this article, we will share tips that can help you avoid rage. But, before that, get to learn the meaning of road rage and some common causes of road rage.
What Is Road Rage?
Simply put, road rage is aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by drivers. These behaviors include, among many others;
- Erratic braking
- Tailgating
- Yelling
- Making angry gestures
- Confronting another driver
- Honking without cause
- Flashing headlights at slow drivers
- Failure to signal
- Using a vehicle as a barrier
Common Causes of Road Rage
The following are some common factors that contribute to road rage incidents.
- Heavy traffic
- Anonymity
- Disregard for others and the law
- Habitual or learned behavior
How To Avoid Road Rage
As already mentioned, road rage is avoidable. Here are five tips that can help you avoid road rage.
Tip #1: Before You Get Behind the Wheel, Take Time To Cool Off
Avoid driving when you are upset. If you feel upset, take time to calm down before getting behind the wheel.
Tip #2: Avoid Rushing
It is crucial for Florida drivers to give themselves enough time to get where they are going considering the unpredictable traffic in Florida. When you have enough time to get where you are going, you are less likely to engage in aggressive driving.
Tip #3: Keep Gestures Positive
For instance, if a driver lets you in when merging, wave at them to show you appreciate their actions.
Tip #3: Avoid Aggressive Drivers
You should avoid reciprocating any aggressive behaviors. When you notice an aggressive driver, make sure you get some distance between you and them. To avoid an aggressive driver, you can switch lanes or allow them to get ahead of you. Additionally, if the need arises, you can call the police on an aggressive driver. Doing that can help keep others and not just yourself safe.
Tip #4: Practice Polite Driving Habits
One of the most effective ways for you to avoid road rage is to practice polite driving habits. For example, whenever you are on the road, avoid things like tailgating and erratic braking. Also, always merge politely and, as already mentioned, be courteous. When you practice polite driving habits, not only will you avoid road rage, but you will also make driving more enjoyable for yourself and every other driver on the road.
Tip #5: Avoid Turning Driving Into a Competitive Sport
While on the road, remember, driving is not a competition, so don’t turn it into one, and getting to your destination safely is more important than teaching another motorist a lesson.
Legal Help Is Available
If you’ve been hurt in a road accident because another driver could not control their aggressiveness or anger, you have the right to hold the at-fault driver liable and be compensated. Our Orlando personal injury attorneys at The Pendas Law Firm can help you deal with the legal complexities of your case as you focus on healing. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
The Pendas Law Firm also represents clients in the Fort Myers, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Jacksonville, Bradenton, Daytona Beach, Ocala, and Tampa areas.