Tips To Help You Negotiate A Fair Compensation After A Florida Car Accident
After sustaining injuries in a Florida car accident, you may be awarded several monetary damages after filing a car accident claim. Usually, Florida car accident victims can receive economic, non-economic, and/or punitive damages. The biggest hurdle you’ll face when handling your car accident claim is negotiating a fair settlement. Unfortunately, negotiations get even trickier when dealing with non-economic damages. This is because, unlike economic damages such as lost wages and medical expenses, non-economic damages like pain and suffering don’t have an exact amount associated with them. Generally, non-economic damages don’t have receipts or bills to back them up.
However, despite pain and suffering damages not having bills or receipts to back them up, there are things you can do to make sure you are fairly compensated for your pain and suffering after an auto accident. Below are some tips for fair compensation after a Florida car accident.
Tip #1: Understand What Counts as Pain and Suffering
You cannot successfully negotiate pain and suffering compensation if you don’t understand what counts as pain and suffering. Some people assume that pain and suffering damages only involve physical anguish. When negotiating pain and suffering compensation, remember that pain and suffering damages involve both the physical and emotional agony you have had to undergo because of the injuries you sustained due to someone else’s negligence. Physical pain and suffering can include back pain, headaches, and neck pain. On the other hand, emotional pain and suffering examples include fear, insomnia, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Tip #2: Link Evidence to Your Pain and Suffering
Simply saying that you have been experiencing pain and suffering after your car accident is not enough. You need to justify your pain and suffering using evidence. Even if you don’t have bills or receipts you can use as evidence to justify your pain and suffering, you can use other types of evidence. Some of the evidence you can point to when negotiating pain and suffering compensation include;
- Your doctor’s notes
- Witness statements
- Your injury diary, detailing pain levels, sleep disturbances, the help loved ones have had to offer you, and other things concerning the agony you have endured since your accident happened.
Tip #3: Make the “Before and After” Clear
Lastly, to receive the compensation you deserve for pain and suffering, it is crucial that you make the “before and after” clear. When negotiating pain and suffering compensation, paint a clear picture of how your life has changed for the worse after the accident. The more details you give of how life has changed for the worse after the accident, the more real the losses will sound.
Contact Us for Legal Help
If you are enduring pain and suffering after being in a car accident because of another party’s negligent act(s), remember that you have the right to seek compensation. Our Miami personal injury attorneys at The Pendas Law Firm can help you build a strong case and recover the damages you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
The Pendas Law Firm also represents clients in the Orlando, Daytona Beach, West Palm Beach, Ocala, Fort Myers, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Bradenton, and Jacksonville areas.